The Circle of Sisters Candle ~ To Honor Sisterhood, The Coven and the Divine Feminine The Velvet Lotus Shop から ¥3,100 カートに追加
Evil Eye Votive ~ A Powerful Talisman to Protect Against a Malevolent Glare The Velvet Lotus Shop から ¥1,500 カートに追加
Bright Fiesta Candle Lights ~ To Brighten Your Summertime Festivities The Velvet Lotus Shop セール! から ¥900 ¥1,800 カートに追加
The Year of the Dragon Candle ~ To Celebrate the Energy of the Wood Dragon The Velvet Lotus Shop から ¥4,000 カートに追加
The Crow and the Cauldron Candle ~ To Honor the Sacred Vessel of the Cauldron, Crow Medicine, Witches Familiar The Velvet Lotus から ¥2,000 カートに追加
The Belladonna is in My Bag ~ Practical Magic Candle, Love, Sisterhood, Healing, Protection The Velvet Lotus から ¥4,000 カートに追加
Large Banishing Candle ~To Help Banish Negative Energies and Spirits, To Protect the House from Toxic People and Energies The Velvet Lotus から ¥4,000 カートに追加
Faerie in a Bottle Candle ~ Faerie Magick. Wish Candle, Crystal Candle, Fairy Dust, Faerie, Fairy, Glowing Necklace The Velvet Lotus から ¥4,000 カートに追加
Drawing Down the Moon ~ To Connect with the Moon and the Triple Goddess The Velvet Lotus から ¥3,100 完売
The Datura Dream Candle ~ For Lucid Dreaming, Flying on Brooms and Moon Magick The Velvet Lotus から ¥3,600 カートに追加
The Blessed Be Candle ~ To Cleanse and Create Space for Blessings and Healing The Velvet Lotus から ¥3,100 カートに追加
Season of the Witch~To Honor the Familiars, To Honor the Four Corners, To Honor Our Ancestors, To Honor Earth Magick The Velvet Lotus から ¥4,700 カートに追加