$ 22.22

I've never been more excited for an anything in ALL my life! Fluorite and Atlantean Lightbrarys are 2 of my favorites in the Mineral world and I'll be honest, I have a bit of an obsession. So you can only imagine what my face looked like when I discovered these small Lightbrarys! These are perfect for those who don't want to spend the money on the larger ones and I was really surprised to find that their vibrations are very similar to their larger ancestors! I'm having one made into a special necklace that I'm planning to never take off. They fit perfectly in medicine bags too! I am in LOVE with these magickal beauties and I know you will be too.Β 

I have been blessed enough to source some of the most amazing Crystals I have ever held in my life, and I am honored to be able to share them with you here in my shop. I have searched high and low for similar Crystals and you just can't find Candle Quartz Lightbrary Lovestars like this in such great condition and at such a reasonable price anywhere. The ones I have sourced are very close to being in perfect condition, meaning most of the points are still in tact. I've had a few people ask me why I'm selling them and believe me, I thought about keeping them all, not only to have an incredible collection but to have something of great value to pass down to my kids someday. But Crystals like these don't belong tucked away in a box. They were meant to be loved and used and shared. I only have so many, and I sincerely hope that all of you who want one have the opportunity to bring one into your home. They are the perfect tool for Crystal healing. Simply holding onto one or passing it around a room invigorates enormous vibrations of love and contentment. I just began a class on Priestessing and am using one that I have chosen to keep as my priestessing tool, and I can already feel a strong bond between us. I have them in several different sizes and shapes and will be listing them as each one becomes ready for it's new home. Each Lightbrary has been cleared of any negative spirit ties or entities and has been infused with healing elementals that will keep it protected from any tainted energies for an impressive amount of time.

These beautiful Crystals can hear the songs of the Angels and share them with us if we listen!

Atlantean Love Stars (or Candle Quartz) is a type of Lightbrary which is distinguished by more Elestial-style Crystals completely surrounding a central point. They are usually a milky white and waxy looking (hence the name Candle Quartz) and glisten in the light caused by tinier and tinier layers of Elestial Crystals forming each larger Crystal. The term Lightbrary equates to β€˜Libraries of Light.' Lightbraries can contain sacred Akashic knowledge and they remind you of the crystalline cities and temples of Lemuria and Atlantis. They act as energy conduits through which the Universal masters (see Ascended Masters) can relay specific information that is pertinent to humanity at this time in human evolution.

This is a Lightbringer Crystal, bringing hope and comfort where there was once unhappiness, hopelessness and pain. This is a perfect tool for Crystal Healing and Lightworkers will be able to use this Crystal to its fullest potential. Ancient knowledge from Atlantis is said to be brought by the Candle Quartz. Legends say that these Crystals were given as heart gifts in Atlantis making them a perfect gift for someone special in your magickal life.

Atlantean Lovestars are Wise Powerful Heart, 4th Chakra, Healers! They Illuminate the World with Light. The first type of this Being was actually Discovered in the Southern US and was considered very rare. Since that time, Atlantean Lovestars have been discovered in Brazil and Madagascar. The Madagascar Crystals are considered older and wiser. Magnificent teachers, these Stone Beings cast a mist of wise, comforting Heart Energy right down to the core of our Beings. They are considered Elestials and Elestials are wisdom keepers, they guide us through transitions, help us to see and speak all our hidden blocks, bringing heart pain to heart peace. Powerful and often times painful work, they enchant us and encourage us with their Light. Elestials help us enhance all our psychic abilities and are powerful Crystals of change. Elestials are devoted companions which make them perfect tools for virtually anything.

This particular Lightbrary has an AMAZING Key and some of the most beautiful etchings I have ever seen, indicating that she is full of some very important, ancient knowledge. Glyphs or Etchings are Marks either engraved, raised, or on the Surface of Faces or Sides, that contain Vast Ancient Knowledge. They can look like Hieroglyphics. They are said to have been Placed on Crystals by Ancient Advanced Civilizations via the Star Beings. They are Accessed in a Meditative State by Gazing, Touching or Placing to the Third Eye. And I can't forget to mention that this beauty also has a stunning Phantom that is just heavenly to look upon. The Phantom image is not only symbolic of seeing what is difficult to ascertain, but also energetically inspiring to "dig deeper" and look beyond the material realm into the metaphysical realms of emotion, thought, mental process, intuition, psychic powers and spiritual growth. Phantom Crystals are excellent for enhancing meditation, relaxation and lucid dreaming.

There is a responsibility with Lemurian Seed Crystals. They know who they belong with. If one selects you, you have a responsibility to honor it and work
with it. Each Lemurian Seed Crystal is home to many beings of light and information. This is a gift given to us at this particular time on the Earth Plane and
all we have to do is to open up to use the higher frequencies that each Lemurian carries. This information was planted here on earth for our use at this
particular time.

The Lemurian's are here to assist us in remembering who we really are. They can be accessed through meditation, in dreams (placed under your pillow).
Or direct communication actually at any time (once you establish and open to the link between you and your Lemurian Seed Crystal.

There are vast universes inside the Lemurians and each crystal has unique information. Each person who is drawn to a Lemurian is actually already
connected to this information and aligned with bringing in the higher frequencies of information and light via healing, energy work, etc.

SYmbolizes the Spiritual Seeker, the Mystic Student.
Symbolizes Spirit perfecting itself within Matter.
Symbolizes the Seven Cosmic Stages of spiritual development.
Represents the Seven Celestial Tones and Seven Celestial Spheres.
Symbolizes the integration of Body, Mind, and Spirit as linked to the Seeker.
The Sage of the Crystal Clan.
One of the true channelling stones (as is a Kyanite blade).
Helps you align more directly to your Higher Self (Source Self) and maintain that alignment.
Stimulates a strong desire for wisdom and integration with the One.
Generates a desire for truthfulness, especially with yourself.
Excellent energy shield.
Boosts any and all consciousness within its immediate environment.
Represents the seven qualities human consciousness must attain and master to access the Total Self.
Activates and connects the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th chakras
Symbolizes your readiness to receive, as well as give.
A good Dream Stone.
Excellent divination stone.
First rate channeling tool.
Great tool for circulating energy.
Has the ability to draw out energy.
Very calming and soothing in all its actions.
Reminds you to remain open to accepting new ideas and concepts.
Helps you to be more open and non-judgemental of just about anything.
A good telepathic communication tool.
Helps to balance the hemispheres of the brain.
Especially sensitive to receiving all types of energy.
A good rebirthing stone.
Use anytime you want to be more flexible, open, and empathic.
Excellent choice for communicating with just about anything or anyone.
Good choice when you want to be especially clear about what you are receiving.
Provides one with information concerning the origin of the human race, the human soul, and all that exists or has existed in ones reality;
Facilitates the actualization of each person as a healing agent for humanity and the environment
Allows one to incorporate higher knowledge, wisdom, peace, and love into this and other planets.

Only those with open minds and pure hearts can access the information vis attunement of the consciousness with the inner energies of the crystal.

The information provided by the record keeper enhances ones light, provides for a deeper access to personal wisdom, and promotes a greater peace to
be used in this world.

The 'three' of the triangle[s] located upon the face[s] of the crystal represents perfect balance achieved when the physical, mental, and emotional
aspects of ones being is aligned with the love and purity of the highest spirituality. The triangular shape, of the 'doors' which lead to the records, also
symbolizes the third-eye, the creation, and the preservation of the state of perfection which serves as a pathway toward the enlightened state.

The information stored within the record keeper could be relevant or non-relevant to physical life on Earth. One must be open and willing to accept all
information (even those concepts which one would judge as inconceivable) and must be capable (as we all are) of processing the information and
applying it to this physical life.

The record keeper crystal is usually a personal meditation crystal. Meditation with the crystal is easily accomplished by placing a triangle on the third-
eye. Subsequent to this placement, close the eyes, still and open the mind, initiate circular breathing, relax, and be prepared to receive information.

Another method of accessing information is to activate the triangle by rubbing the thumbnail across the triangle from top to bottom. This provides the
opening. Closing-off the source is accomplished by the opposite manipulation.

If one is meant to experience a record keeper, the universe will provide. The record keeper which 'comes' to you contains the information which will be
beneficial to your personal development and/or will provide information which will assist you in helping another."

Connecting to your Lemurian
It is as simple as saying hello to it and welcoming it. Thank your Lemurian for finding you and while you do this connect with your heart chakra. Treating the
Lemurian Seed Crystal as an honored being. Ask it to share its information with you. This may come immediately or eventually it will be downloaded in
dreams or visions or during meditation. It will come to you.

Healing or Energy Work
After you have connected to the Lemurian Seed Crystal, hold it in your hand and ask it to assist you with your healing work/energy work on this certain
person for this particular task.

You are essentially aligning with it to focus its energy on a specific task. This is one of the jobs the Lemurian Seed Crystal's are here for and they happily
do so.

Next, either long distance or in person, you can begin the energy/healing work by surrounding yourself with white light and grounding yourself with an
energy cord into mother earth.

Energetically connect with the individual to be worked on by visualizing them in your awareness (third eye area).

Ask all your angels, guides and masters to assist in this healing/energy work and ask this individuals angels, guides and masters to assist as well.

Visualize white light streaming from the Lemurian Crystal to this person. You can hold the Lemurian at their crown chakra or where ever you are drawn to do
so. See the white light go into the body and see their energy body and physical body as whole, with energy flowing perfectly. You can continue this until
you feel complete. This could be as short a time as 15 minutes or as long as 45 minutes. At some point during the healing/energy work make this statement
to yourself "all blocks are now released. It is so - So Be IT". This directs the energy to flow completely with no blocks.

Thank the dieties, angels, guides and masters for assisting you and thank your Lemurian Seed Crystal for its assistance with this healing/energy work.

If you continued to do healing/energy work you will receive your own guidance on what to do for each person and you will alter the healing work for each one.

If you are reading this then you are connected to the Lemurian Seed Crystals already. It would be my greatest joy for everyone to gain the confidence to do
this work. It is much needed now.

You can use any crystals or stones that you feel drawn to and use them ultimately the same way. Note that each stone of mother earth has a different
frequency and should be used accordingly. Lemurian's are extremely high frequency and should not be worn on the body when not in use. It is best to not
let others handle your Lemurian as you will have to re-align.

You will find some of my homemade "Velvet Lotus Sacred Smudge" incense cones in your package. They are made with all natural organic white sage, pinon wood essential oil and benzoin gum. They have been charged under the Full Flower Moon in a Sacred Crystal Grid and infused with blessings. If you would like to Smudge your items, simply light the tip of the cone, wait until it turns red then blow it out. Place it on a fireproof plate and direct the smoke so it gently encircles the items you wish to have Smudged. Feel free to use your own intentions and blessings and make sure the cone is completely distinguished before leaving the room. From my heart to yours. β™₯

This listing is for one (1) Lumarian Atlantean Lightbrary that is approximately 1-2+" long. Everything from my shop has been charged under the full moon and smudged with white sage on my personal altar. I have developed a process in cleansing crystals so you can be confident that it will be delivered to you with the purest of energy and ready for your own personal programming and adorning. I anoint each stone with a sacred oil blend before packing so there may be a trace amount still on your crystal when you receive it. It won't harm the crystal and can be easily removed with a soft cloth if you chose. Some crystals fade in the sun so be careful and make sure yours does not.

Please contact me on overseas shipping.

Love and Light! β™₯ Seja

*The Velvet Lotus does not intend for any information given to replace the care of qualified medical professionals, and no statements made should be used in place of medical care to diagnose or treat any medical condition. *

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